
Australian Energy Stats


  • Adjusted savings: energy depletion > Current US$: Adjusted savings: energy depletion (current US$). Energy depletion is the ratio of the value of the stock of energy resources to the remaining reserve lifetime (capped at 25 years). It covers coal, crude oil, and natural gas.
  • Adjusted savings: energy depletion > Current US$ per capita: Adjusted savings: energy depletion (current US$). Energy depletion is the ratio of the value of the stock of energy resources to the remaining reserve lifetime (capped at 25 years). It covers coal, crude oil, and natural gas. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Alcohol > Production > Per capita: Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 population.
  • Carbon dioxide emissions from consumption of energy: This entry is the total amount of carbon dioxide, measured in metric tons, released by burning fossil fuels in the process of producing and consuming energy.
  • Coal > Consumption: Billion short tons of coal consumed per country per year.
  • Coal > Consumption by energy sector > Per capita: Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 population.
  • Coal > Consumption by households > Per capita: Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 population.
  • Coal > Consumption per capita: Billion short tons of coal consumed per country per year. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Coal > Production > Per capita: Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 population.
  • Commercial energy use: Commercial energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita). Commercial energy use refers to apparent consumption, which is equal to indigenous production plus imports and stock changes, minus exports and fuels supplied to ships and aircraft engaged in international transport.
  • Crude oil > Imports per thousand people: This entry is the total amount of crude oil imported, in barrels per day (bbl/day). Figures expressed per thousand people for the same year.
  • Crude oil > Production: This entry is the total amount of crude oil produced, in barrels per day (bbl/day).
  • Crude oil > Production per thousand people: This entry is the total amount of crude oil produced, in barrels per day (bbl/day). Figures expressed per thousand people for the same year.
  • Crude oil > Proved reserves: This entry is the stock of proved reserves of crude oil, in barrels (bbl). Proved reserves are those quantities of petroleum which, by analysis of geological and engineering data, can be estimated with a high degree of confidence to be commercially recoverable from a given date forward, from known reservoirs and under current economic conditions.
  • Crude oil > Proved reserves per capita: This entry is the stock of proved reserves of crude oil, in barrels (bbl). Proved reserves are those quantities of petroleum which, by analysis of geological and engineering data, can be estimated with a high degree of confidence to be commercially recoverable from a given date forward, from known reservoirs and under current economic conditions. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Electric power > Consumption > KWh: Electric power consumption measures the production of power plants and combined heat and power plants less transmission, distribution, and transformation losses and own use by heat and power plants.
  • Electric power > Consumption > KWh per capita: Electric power consumption measures the production of power plants and combined heat and power plants less transmission, distribution, and transformation losses and own use by heat and power plants. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Electric power consumption > KWh: Electric power consumption (kWh). Electric power consumption measures the production of power plants and combined heat and power plants less transmission, distribution, and transformation losses and own use by heat and power plants.
  • Electric power consumption > KWh per capita: Electric power consumption (kWh per capita). Electric power consumption measures the production of power plants and combined heat and power plants less transmission, distribution, and transformation losses and own use by heat and power plants.
  • Electric power transmission and distribution losses > KWh: Electric power transmission and distribution losses (kWh). Electric power transmission and distribution losses include losses in transmission between sources of supply and points of distribution and in the distribution to consumers, including pilferage.
  • Electricity > Consumption: Total electricity consumed annually plus imports and minus exports, expressed in kilowatt-hours. The discrepancy between the amount of electricity generated and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is accounted for as loss in transmission and distribution.
  • Electricity > Consumption > Per capita: Total electricity consumed annually plus imports and minus exports, expressed in kilowatt-hours. The discrepancy between the amount of electricity generated and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is accounted for as loss in transmission and distribution. Per capita figures expressed per 1 population.
  • Electricity > Consumption by households per capita: . Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Electricity > Consumption by petroleum refineries per capita: . Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Electricity > Consumption per capita: Total electricity consumed annually plus imports and minus exports, expressed in kilowatt-hours. The discrepancy between the amount of electricity generated and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is accounted for as loss in transmission and distribution. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Electricity > From other renewable sources: This entry measures the capacity of plants that generate electricity by using renewable energy sources other than hydroelectric (including, for example, wind, waves, solar, and geothermal), expressed as a share of the country's total generating capacity.
  • Electricity > Installed generating capacity: This entry is the total capacity of currently installed generators, expressed in kilowatts (kW), to produce electricity. A 10-kilowatt (kW) generator will produce 10 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity, if it runs continuously for one hour.
  • Electricity > Installed generating capacity per thousand people: This entry is the total capacity of currently installed generators, expressed in kilowatts (kW), to produce electricity. A 10-kilowatt (kW) generator will produce 10 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity, if it runs continuously for one hour. Figures expressed per thousand people for the same year.
  • Electricity > Production: The annual electricity generated expressed in kilowatt-hours. The discrepancy between the amount of electricity generated and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is accounted for as loss in transmission and distribution.
  • Electricity > Production > KWh: Electricity production is measured at the terminals of all alternator sets in a station. In addition to hydropower, coal, oil, gas, and nuclear power generation, it covers generation by geothermal, solar, wind, and tide and wave energy, as well as that from combustible renewables and waste. Production includes the output of electricity plants that are designed to produce electricity only as well as that of combined heat and power plants."
  • Electricity > Production > Per capita: The annual electricity generated expressed in kilowatt-hours. The discrepancy between the amount of electricity generated and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is accounted for as loss in transmission and distribution. Per capita figures expressed per 1 population.
  • Electricity > Production per capita: The annual electricity generated expressed in kilowatt-hours. The discrepancy between the amount of electricity generated and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is accounted for as loss in transmission and distribution. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Electricity production > KWh: Electricity production (kWh). Electricity production is measured at the terminals of all alternator sets in a station. In addition to hydropower, coal, oil, gas, and nuclear power generation, it covers generation by geothermal, solar, wind, and tide and wave energy, as well as that from combustible renewables and waste. Production includes the output of electricity plants that are designed to produce electricity only as well as that of combined heat and power plants.
  • Electricity production > KWh per capita: Electricity production (kWh). Electricity production is measured at the terminals of all alternator sets in a station. In addition to hydropower, coal, oil, gas, and nuclear power generation, it covers generation by geothermal, solar, wind, and tide and wave energy, as well as that from combustible renewables and waste. Production includes the output of electricity plants that are designed to produce electricity only as well as that of combined heat and power plants. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Electricity production from coal sources > KWh: Electricity production from coal sources (kWh). Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Coal refers to all coal and brown coal, both primary (including hard coal and lignite-brown coal) and derived fuels (including patent fuel, coke oven coke, gas coke, coke oven gas, and blast furnace gas). Peat is also included in this category.
  • Electricity production from coal sources > KWh per capita: Electricity production from coal sources (kWh). Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Coal refers to all coal and brown coal, both primary (including hard coal and lignite-brown coal) and derived fuels (including patent fuel, coke oven coke, gas coke, coke oven gas, and blast furnace gas). Peat is also included in this category. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Electricity production from hydroelectric sources > KWh: Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (kWh). Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Hydropower refers to electricity produced by hydroelectric power plants.
  • Electricity production from hydroelectric sources > KWh per capita: Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (kWh). Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Hydropower refers to electricity produced by hydroelectric power plants. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Electricity production from natural gas sources > KWh: Electricity production from natural gas sources (kWh). Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Gas refers to natural gas but excludes natural gas liquids.
  • Electricity production from natural gas sources > KWh per capita: Electricity production from natural gas sources (kWh). Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Gas refers to natural gas but excludes natural gas liquids. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Electricity production from nuclear sources > KWh: Electricity production from nuclear sources (kWh). Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Nuclear power refers to electricity produced by nuclear power plants.
  • Electricity production from oil sources > KWh: Electricity production from oil sources (kWh). Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Oil refers to crude oil and petroleum products.
  • Electricity production from renewable sources > KWh: Electricity production from renewable sources (kWh). Electricity production from renewable sources includes hydropower, geothermal, solar, tides, wind, biomass, and biofuels.
  • Electricity production from renewable sources > KWh per capita: Electricity production from renewable sources (kWh). Electricity production from renewable sources includes hydropower, geothermal, solar, tides, wind, biomass, and biofuels. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric > KWh: Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (kWh). Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric, includes geothermal, solar, tides, wind, biomass, and biofuels.
  • Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric > KWh per capita: Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (kWh). Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric, includes geothermal, solar, tides, wind, biomass, and biofuels. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Production > Kilotons of oil equivalent: Energy production refers to forms of primary energy--petroleum (crude oil, natural gas liquids, and oil from nonconventional sources), natural gas, solid fuels (coal, lignite, and other derived fuels), and combustible renewables and waste--and primary electricity, all converted into oil equivalents."
  • Energy use > Equivalent in kilograms of oil per capita: Energy use refers to use of primary energy before transformation to other end-use fuels, which is equal to indigenous production plus imports and stock changes, minus exports and fuels supplied to ships and aircraft engaged in international transport."
  • Energy use > Kg of oil equivalent per $1,000 GDP > Constant 2005 PPP: Energy use (kg of oil equivalent) per $1,000 GDP (constant 2005 PPP). Energy use per PPP GDP is the kilogram of oil equivalent of energy use per constant PPP GDP. Energy use refers to use of primary energy before transformation to other end-use fuels, which is equal to indigenous production plus imports and stock changes, minus exports and fuels supplied to ships and aircraft engaged in international transport. PPP GDP is gross domestic product converted to 2005 constant international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as a U.S. dollar has in the United States.
  • Energy use > Kg of oil equivalent per capita: Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita). Energy use refers to use of primary energy before transformation to other end-use fuels, which is equal to indigenous production plus imports and stock changes, minus exports and fuels supplied to ships and aircraft engaged in international transport.
  • Gasoline > Pump price for gasoline > US$ per liter: Pump price for gasoline (US$ per liter). Fuel prices refer to the pump prices of the most widely sold grade of gasoline. Prices have been converted from the local currency to U.S. dollars.
  • Gasoline > Road sector gasoline fuel consumption > Kt of oil equivalent: Road sector gasoline fuel consumption (kt of oil equivalent). Gasoline is light hydrocarbon oil use in internal combustion engine such as motor vehicles, excluding aircraft.
  • Gasoline > Road sector gasoline fuel consumption per capita > Kg of oil equivalent: Road sector gasoline fuel consumption per capita (kg of oil equivalent). Gasoline is light hydrocarbon oil use in internal combustion engine such as motor vehicles, excluding aircraft.
  • Gasoline prices: Ratio of premium gasoline price to world average
    Units: Ratio of Gasoline Price to World Average
    Units: Pump price for super gasoline (US$ per liter): Fuel prices refer to the pump prices of the most widely sold grade of gasoline. Prices have been converted from the local currency to U.S. dollars, and the ratio of the gas price to the world average in the same time period was used in order to normalize the data. For more information, see World Development Indicators, Table 3.12.
  • Geothermal power use: Annual utilization of geothermal power from direct-use sources in GWh/yr as of 2000.
  • Hydroelectric power > Production > KWh: Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Hydropower refers to electricity produced by hydroelectric power plants.
  • Hydroelectricity > Consumption: Figures for year 2003 in billion kilowatthours
  • Industrial Waste > Production > Per capita: Per capita figures expressed per million population
  • Natural gas > Consumption: This entry is the total natural gas consumed in cubic meters (cu m). The discrepancy between the amount of natural gas produced and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is due to the omission of stock changes and other complicating factors.
  • Natural gas > Consumption per capita: This entry is the total natural gas consumed in cubic meters (cu m). The discrepancy between the amount of natural gas produced and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is due to the omission of stock changes and other complicating factors. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Natural gas > Proved reserves: This entry is the stock of proved reserves of natural gas in cubic meters (cu m). Proved reserves are those quantities of natural gas, which, by analysis of geological and engineering data, can be estimated with a high degree of confidence to be commercially recoverable from a given date forward, from known reservoirs and under current economic conditions.
  • Natural gas > Reserves per capita: . Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Oil > Consumption: This entry is the total oil consumed in barrels per day (bbl/day). The discrepancy between the amount of oil produced and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is due to the omission of stock changes, refinery gains, and other complicating factors.
  • Oil > Consumption > Million tonnes > Per capita: Oil: Consumption, Million tonnes, as of end of 2004

    Notes: Others have less than 0.05 Per capita figures expressed per 1 million population.
  • Oil > Consumption > Per capita: This entry is the total oil consumed in barrels per day (bbl/day). The discrepancy between the amount of oil produced and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is due to the omission of stock changes, refinery gains, and other complicating factors. Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 population.
  • Oil > Consumption per 1000: This entry is the total oil consumed in barrels per day (bbl/day). The discrepancy between the amount of oil produced and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is due to the omission of stock changes, refinery gains, and other complicating factors. Figures expressed per thousand population for the same year.
  • Oil > Exports: This entry is the total oil exported in barrels per day (bbl/day), including both crude oil and oil products.
  • Oil > Imports: This entry is the total oil imported in barrels per day (bbl/day), including both crude oil and oil products.
  • Oil > Production: This entry is the total oil produced in barrels per day (bbl/day). The discrepancy between the amount of oil produced and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is due to the omission of stock changes, refinery gains, and other complicating factors.
  • Oil > Production > Million tonnes > Per capita: Oil: Production, Million tonnes, as of end of 2004

    Notes: Others have less than 0.05 Per capita figures expressed per 1 million population.
  • Oil > Production > Per capita: This entry is the total oil produced in barrels per day (bbl/day). The discrepancy between the amount of oil produced and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is due to the omission of stock changes, refinery gains, and other complicating factors. Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 population.
  • Oil > Production per 1000: This entry is the total oil produced in barrels per day (bbl/day). The discrepancy between the amount of oil produced and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is due to the omission of stock changes, refinery gains, and other complicating factors. Figures expressed per thousand population for the same year.
  • Oil > Proved > Reserves per capita: This entry is the stock of proved reserves of crude oil in barrels (bbl). Proved reserves are those quantities of petroleum which, by analysis of geological and engineering data, can be estimated with a high degree of confidence to be commercially recoverable from a given date forward, from known reservoirs and under current economic conditions. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Oil > Reserves: According to Web definitions the term refers to the total amount of petroleum (oil) discovered in any given oil field or nation. Thus it can be said that Kuwait has xxxx millions of barrels (mb) of oil in the ground. However, the exact amount can never be known, simply because of the difficulty in sensing or "seeing" beneath the surface of the Earth. The term Proven Reserve or PR refers to an amount of oil that is generally accepted by geologists to be the actual amount of petroleum in the ground.
  • Oil > Reserves per capita: According to Web definitions the term refers to the total amount of petroleum (oil) discovered in any given oil field or nation. Thus it can be said that Kuwait has xxxx millions of barrels (mb) of oil in the ground. However, the exact amount can never be known, simply because of the difficulty in sensing or "seeing" beneath the surface of the Earth. The term Proven Reserve or PR refers to an amount of oil that is generally accepted by geologists to be the actual amount of petroleum in the ground. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
  • Primary Consumption > Million tonnes oil equivalent: Primary Energy: Consumption, Million tonnes oil equivalent, as of end of 2004

    Notes: Others have less than 0.05
  • Refined petroleum products > Consumption: This entry is the country's total consumption of refined petroleum products, in barrels per day (bbl/day). The discrepancy between the amount of refined petroleum products produced and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is due to the omission of stock changes, refinery gains, and other complicating factors.
  • Refined petroleum products > Consumption per thousand people: This entry is the country's total consumption of refined petroleum products, in barrels per day (bbl/day). The discrepancy between the amount of refined petroleum products produced and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is due to the omission of stock changes, refinery gains, and other complicating factors. Figures expressed per thousand people for the same year.
  • Usage per person: Total primary energy supply TOE (tonnes of oil equivalent) per person (Year 2000).
  • Wind power > Installed windpower capacity > Megawatts: Installed wind power capacity around the world.
  • Wind power > Wind power generated > Terawatt hours: Total electricity generated from wind.
Adjusted savings: energy depletion > Current US$ $29.90 billion 2011 23th out of 211
Adjusted savings: energy depletion > Current US$ per capita $1,339.16 2011 21st out of 211
Alcohol > Production > Per capita 0.836 ton per 1,000 people 2005 14th out of 16
Bagasse > Production 17.58 million ton 2005 7th out of 79
Carbon dioxide emissions from consumption of energy 392.3 million Mt 2011 17th out of 210
Charcoal > Consumption by households 20,000 ton 2005 46th out of 72
Charcoal > Consumption by households and other consumers 20,000 ton 2005 69th out of 109
Charcoal > Production from charcoal plants 24,000 ton 2005 76th out of 119
Coal > Consumption 144.17 million 2000 4th out of 23
Coal > Consumption by energy sector > Per capita 0.057 ton per 1,000 people 1992 15th out of 15
Coal > Consumption by households > Per capita 0.098 ton per 1,000 people 2005 32nd out of 34
Coal > Consumption per capita 7.53 2000 1st out of 23
Coal > Production 265.43 million ton 2005 4th out of 55
Coal > Production > Per capita 13,056.52 ton per 1,000 people 2005 1st out of 54
Coal > Total known > Reserves 90.4 billion ton 1998 4th out of 12
Commercial energy use 5,743.63 2000 14th out of 116
Crude oil > Imports per thousand people 21.57 bbl/day 2010 21st out of 184
Crude oil > Production 519,100 bbl/day 2012 29th out of 203
Crude oil > Production per thousand people 22.88 bbl/day 2012 32nd out of 202
Crude oil > Proved reserves 1.43 billion bbl 2013 36th out of 193
Crude oil > Proved reserves per capita 64.37 bbl 2013 36th out of 192
Electric power > Consumption > KWh 224.89 billion kWh 2004 15th out of 131
Electric power > Consumption > KWh per capita 11,173.13 kWh 2004 11th out of 128
Electric power consumption > KWh 239.31 billion 2011 16th out of 135
Electric power consumption > KWh per capita 10,719.9 2011 10th out of 135
Electric power transmission and distribution losses > KWh 13.31 billion 2011 27th out of 134
Electricity > Consumption 213.5 billion kWh 2010 8th out of 166
Electricity > Consumption > Per capita 10,864.15 kWh per capita 2007 11th out of 155
Electricity > Consumption by households 60.93 billion kWh 2005 12th out of 188
Electricity > Consumption by households per capita 2,987.48 kWh 2005 17th out of 174
Electricity > Consumption by petroleum refineries 1.84 billion kWh 2005 19th out of 50
Electricity > Consumption by petroleum refineries per capita 90.32 kWh 2005 20th out of 48
Electricity > Consumption per capita 10,563.43 kWh 2007 10th out of 146
Electricity > Exports 0.0 2012 127th out of 156
Electricity > From other renewable sources 5.1% of total installed capacity 2010 36th out of 184
Electricity > Installed generating capacity 59.13 million kW 2010 13th out of 186
Electricity > Installed generating capacity per thousand people 2,679.77 kW 2010 15th out of 184
Electricity > Production 225.5 billion kWh 2011 16th out of 95
Electricity > Production > KWh 254.64 billion 2007 16th out of 129
Electricity > Production > Per capita 11,950.57 kWh per capita 2007 11th out of 176
Electricity > Production per capita 11,619.77 kWh 2007 10th out of 167
Electricity production > KWh 252.26 billion 2012 11th out of 34
Electricity production > KWh per capita 11,120.81 2012 7th out of 34
Electricity production from coal sources > KWh 175.83 billion 2012 5th out of 34
Electricity production from coal sources > KWh per capita 7,751.33 2012 1st out of 34
Electricity production from hydroelectric sources > KWh 14.03 billion 2012 17th out of 34
Electricity production from hydroelectric sources > KWh per capita 618.33 2012 16th out of 34
Electricity production from natural gas sources > KWh 48.89 billion 2012 12th out of 34
Electricity production from natural gas sources > KWh per capita 2,155.35 2012 8th out of 34
Electricity production from nuclear sources > KWh 0.0 2012 31st out of 34
Electricity production from oil sources > KWh 3.57 billion 2012 12th out of 34
Electricity production from renewable sources > KWh 23.97 billion 2012 18th out of 34
Electricity production from renewable sources > KWh per capita 1,056.75 2012 20th out of 34
Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric > KWh 9.95 billion 2012 16th out of 34
Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric > KWh per capita 438.42 2012 19th out of 34
Production > Kilotons of oil equivalent 289,206 2007 9th out of 129
Energy use > Equivalent in kilograms of oil per capita 5,887.67 2007 14th out of 129
Energy use > Kg of oil equivalent per $1,000 GDP > Constant 2005 PPP $165.22 2012 7th out of 35
Energy use > Kg of oil equivalent per capita 5,893.27 2012 7th out of 35
Fuelwood > Consumption by households 580,000 m³ 2005 86th out of 115
Gas-diesel oils > Consumption in agriculture 1.91 million ton 2005 15th out of 95
Gas-diesel oils > Consumption in road transport 6.9 million ton 2005 16th out of 160
Gasoline > Pump price for gasoline > US$ per liter $1.39 2012 88th out of 166
Gasoline > Road sector gasoline fuel consumption > Kt of oil equivalent 13,059 2010 14th out of 136
Gasoline > Road sector gasoline fuel consumption per capita > Kg of oil equivalent 591.83 2010 8th out of 137
Gasoline prices 0.93 2002 82nd out of 141
Geothermal power use 82 2000 33th out of 53
Hydroelectric power > Production > KWh 14.4 billion 2007 31st out of 129
Hydroelectricity > Consumption 15.91 2003 27th out of 212
Industrial Waste > Production > Per capita 210.19 Terajoules / million ppl 2005 16th out of 28
Liquefied Petroleum Gas > Exports 830,000 ton 1991 8th out of 49
Natural gas > Consumption 27.56 billion cu m 2011 19th out of 49
Natural gas > Consumption per capita 1,220.91 cu m 2009 14th out of 53
Natural gas > Production 2012 11th out of 51
Natural gas > Proved reserves 1.22 trillion cu m 2013 23th out of 199
Natural gas > Reserves per capita 118,020.28 cubic feet 2005 11th out of 71
Oil > Consumption 946,300 bbl/day 2009 17th out of 193
Oil > Consumption > Million tonnes > Per capita 1.91 per 1 million people 2005 14th out of 63
Oil > Consumption > Per capita 47.28 bbl/day per 1,000 peopl 2007 13th out of 51
Oil > Consumption per 1000 43.45 bbl/day 2009 27th out of 182
Oil > Exports 311,900 bbl/day 2008 14th out of 33
Oil > Imports 716,700 bbl/day 2008 14th out of 33
Oil > Production 589,200 bbl/day 2009 28th out of 180
Oil > Production > Million tonnes > Per capita 1.13 per 1 million people 2005 28th out of 48
Oil > Production > Per capita 28.56 bbl/day per 1,000 peopl 2008 4th out of 21
Oil > Production per 1000 27.05 bbl/day 2009 27th out of 168
Oil > Proved > Reserves per capita 150.37 bbl 2010 25th out of 186
Oil > Reserves 3.66 billion barrels 2005 26th out of 97
Oil > Reserves per capita 179.65 barrels 2005 27th out of 94
Oil imports > Net 239,082 barrels per day 2005 18th out of 21
Primary Consumption > Million tonnes oil equivalent 119 2004 19th out of 63
Refined petroleum products > Consumption 1.02 million bbl/day 2011 19th out of 208
Refined petroleum products > Consumption per thousand people 45.83 bbl/day 2011 33th out of 205
Usage per person 5.71 TOE per person 2000 5th out of 18
Wind power > Installed windpower capacity > Megawatts 1,880 Megawatts 2010 15th out of 40
Wind power > Wind power generated > Terawatt hours 3.12 terawatt hours 2008 10th out of 22

SOURCES: The Changing Wealth of Nations: Measuring Sustainable Development in the New Millennium; The Changing Wealth of Nations: Measuring Sustainable Development in the New Millennium. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; Source: Energy Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division; CIA World Factbooks 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy; Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; CIA World Factbooks 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; World Development Indicators database; World Development Indicators database. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; International Energy Agency; CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 28 March 2011; Source: Energy Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 28 March 2011. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; International Energy Agency (IEA Statistics \xA9 OECD/IEA, http://www.iea.org/stats/index.asp), Energy Statistics and Balances of Non-OECD Countries, Energy Statistics of OECD Countries, and Energy Balances of OECD Countries.; International Energy Agency. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; IEA; IEA. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; International Energy Agency (IEA Statistics \xA9 OECD/IEA, http://www.iea.org/stats/index.asp).; German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).; German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Fuel Prices and Taxation (1999) and the electronic update for2000. Available from World Bank, World Development Indicators 2002, WDI table 3.12. via ciesin.org; Lund and Freeston; Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2000; Energy Information Administration; CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2005; CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005; lEA, Energy Balances of OECD Countries 1999-2000 (lEA, Paris, 2001); World Wind Energy Association, World Wind Energy Report 2008.; U.S Energy Information Administration: International Energy Statistics[18]


Did you know

  • Australia has had the highest coal > exports since 1990.
  • Australia has had the highest coal > production > per capita since 1990.

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