Terrorism > Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Injuries: Countries Compared
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- 1968-2006
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Terrorist Incidents by country from 1968 to 2006. Data for 1968-1997 covers only international incidents.Data for 1998-Present covers both domestic and international incidents. NOTE: Data for Chechnya: 232 incidences; 777 injuries; 371 fatalities. Data for Czechoslovakia: 2 incidences; 1 injury. Data for Kosovo alone: 130 incidences; 127 injuries; 51 fatalities. Data for Montenegro alone: 13 incidences; 1 fatality. Data for Northern Ireland: 696 incidences; 214 injuries; 72 fatalities. Data for Federal Republic of Germany: 459 incidences; 697 injuries; 93 fatalities. Data for German Democratic Republic: 6 incidences; 10 injuries; 1 fatality. German totals above invlude the Federal Republic and the Democratic Republic, as well as Germany from 1990. Benin incudes incidences which happened under the name Dahomey. Namibia incudes incidences which happened under the name SWAf. Data for Democratic Republic of Congo includes incidences which happened under the name Zaire and Belgian Congo. Zimbabwe incudes incidences which happened under the name Rhodesia. Data for Western Sahara: 3 incidences; 3 injuries; 9 fatalities. Data for Transkei: 1 incidence. Data for Kashmir: 947 incidences; 2340 injuries; 1467 fatalities. West Bank includes the Gaza Strip.