Health > Healthy life expectancy at birth > Years > Females: Countries Compared
Interesting observations about Health > Healthy life expectancy at birth > Years > Females
- Australia ranked first for healthy life expectancy at birth > years > females amongst Hot countries in 2002.
- Japan ranked first for healthy life expectancy at birth > years > females globally in 2002.
- Kuwait ranked first for healthy life expectancy at birth > years > females amongst Muslim countries in 2002.
- Spain ranked second for healthy life expectancy at birth > years > females amongst Christian countries in 2002.
- Switzerland ranked first for healthy life expectancy at birth > years > females amongst Cold countries in 2002.
- Canada ranked second for healthy life expectancy at birth > years > females amongst Former British colonies in 2002.
- San Marino ranked first for healthy life expectancy at birth > years > females amongst Europe in 2002.
- Chile ranked first for healthy life expectancy at birth > years > females amongst Emerging markets in 2002.
- Israel ranked first for healthy life expectancy at birth > years > females amongst Middle Eastern and North Africa in 2002.
- 33 of the bottom 35 countries by healthy life expectancy at birth > years > females are Sub-Saharan African.