Government > Democracy > Presidential elections > Registered voter turnout: Countries Compared
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- Registered voter turnout
Interesting observations about Government > Democracy > Presidential elections > Registered voter turnout
- Uruguay ranked first for democracy > presidential elections > registered voter turnout amongst Former Spanish colonies in 2003.
- Burundi ranked first for democracy > presidential elections > registered voter turnout amongst Catholic countries in 2003.
- Singapore ranked first for democracy > presidential elections > registered voter turnout amongst Hot countries in 2003.
- Chile ranked first for democracy > presidential elections > registered voter turnout amongst Cold countries in 2003.
- Russia ranked second last for democracy > presidential elections > registered voter turnout amongst Former Soviet republics in 2003.
- Belarus ranked first for democracy > presidential elections > registered voter turnout amongst Eastern Europe in 2003.
- Cyprus ranked first for democracy > presidential elections > registered voter turnout amongst Europe in 2003.
- Tunisia ranked first for democracy > presidential elections > registered voter turnout amongst Former French colonies in 2003.
- Angola ranked third for democracy > presidential elections > registered voter turnout amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2003.
- 50 of the bottom 83 countries by democracy > presidential elections > registered voter turnout are Christian.