Environment > Climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > Million metric tons: Countries Compared
CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services (million metric tons). CO2 emissions from other sectors, less residential buildings and commercial and public services, contains the emissions from commercial/institutional activities, residential, agriculture/forestry, fishing and other emissions not specified elsewhere that are included in the IPCC Source/Sink Categories 1 A 4 and 1 A 5. In the 1996 IPCC Guidelines, the category also includes emissions from autoproducers in the commercial/residential/agricultural sectors that generate electricity and/or heat. The IEA data are not collected in a way that allows the energy consumption to be split by specific end-use and therefore, autoproducers are shown as a separate item (Unallocated Autoproducers).
Interesting observations about Environment > Climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > Million metric tons
- Russia ranked first for climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > million metric tons amongst Europe in 2011.
- United States ranked first for climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > million metric tons amongst Christian countries in 2011.
- France ranked first for climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > million metric tons amongst European Union in 2011.
- China ranked first for climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > million metric tons amongst Cold countries in 2011.
- Canada ranked first for climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > million metric tons amongst NATO countries in 2011.
- Turkey ranked first for climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > million metric tons amongst Muslim countries in 2011.
- India ranked first for climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > million metric tons amongst Hot countries in 2011.
- Brazil ranked first for climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > million metric tons amongst Catholic countries in 2011.
- Mexico ranked first for climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > million metric tons amongst Former Spanish colonies in 2011.
- Iran ranked first for climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > million metric tons amongst Middle Eastern and North Africa in 2011.
- Germany ranked last for climate change > CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services > million metric tons amongst Group of 7 countries (G7) in 2011.