United Kingdom Food and drink Stats
- Alcohol > Consumption > 1970: Alcohol consumption - Litres per capita by population aged above 15 in 1970. Data not available for Greece, South Korea or Mexico.
- Alcohol > Consumption > 1980: Alcohol consumption - Litres per capita by population aged above 15 in 1980. Data not available for South Korea.
- Alcohol > Consumption > 1990: Alcohol consumption - Litres per capita by population aged above 15 in 1990.
- Alcohol > Consumption > 2000: Alcohol consumption - Litres per capita by population aged above 15 in 2000.
- Alcohol > Consumption > Current: Alcohol consumption - Litres per capita by population aged above 15. (Data for 2003).
- Beer > Consumption: Litres of beer consumed per person per year (2002).
- Beverages and tobacco > % of value added in manufacturing: Value added in manufacturing is the sum of gross output less the value of intermediate inputs used in production for industries classified in ISIC major division 3. Food, beverages, and tobacco comprise ISIC division 31.
- Big Mac nutritional values > Carbohydrates: Grams of carbohydrates in a McDonald's Big Mac in each country. Results are from the McDonald's website in each country.
- Big Mac nutritional values > Dietary fiber: Grams of dietary fiber in a McDonald' Big Mac in each country. Results are from the McDonald's website for each country.
- Big Mac nutritional values > Energy: Amount of kilocalories in a McDonald's Big Mac in each county. Results are from the McDonald's website for each county.
Big Mac nutritional values > Fat:
Grams of fat in a McDonald's Big Mac in each country. Results are from the McDonald's website for each country.
- Big Mac nutritional values > Protein: Grams of protein in a McDonald's Big Mac in each country. Results are from the McDonald's website for each country.
Big Mac nutritional values > Salt equivalent:
Milligrams of salt in a McDonald's Big Mac in each county. Results are from the McDonald's website for each country.
- Bottled water > Consumption: Consumption of bottled water. Litres per person per year, 2002.
- Coffee > Consumption: Kilograms of coffee consumed per person per year, 2002.
- Exports: Food comprises the commodities in SITC sections 0 (food and live animals), 1 (beverages and tobacco), and 4 (animal and vegetable oils and fats) and SITC division 22 (oil seeds, oil nuts, and oil kernels)."
- Exports > % of merchandise > Exports: Food comprises the commodities in SITC sections 0 (food and live animals), 1 (beverages and tobacco), and 4 (animal and vegetable oils and fats) and SITC division 22 (oil seeds, oil nuts, and oil kernels).
- Fruit juice > Consumption: Consumption of fruit juices. Litres per person per year, 2002.
- Imports > % of merchandise imports: Food comprises the commodities in SITC sections 0 (food and live animals), 1 (beverages and tobacco), and 4 (animal and vegetable oils and fats) and SITC division 22 (oil seeds, oil nuts, and oil kernels)."
- Pork > Consumption per capita: Measures taken in 1997 and based on carcass weight. Selected Nations only.
- Soft drink > Consumption: Consumption of carbonated soft drinks. Litres per person per year, 2002.
- Subway resturants: Number of Subway resturants by country
- Subway resturants per million: Number of Subway resturants by country. Figures expressed per million population for the same year.
- Tea > Consumption: Kilograms of tea consumed per person per year, 2002.
- Total spirit > Consumption: Litres of spirits consumed per person per year, 2002.
- Wine > Consumption: Litres of wine consumed per person per year (2002).
SOURCES: OECD Health Data 2005; Global Market Information Database, published by Euromonitor; World Development Indicators database; Wikipedia>Big Mac; Wikipedia> Big Mac; Wikipedia>Big Mac ; World Bank staff estimates from the Comtrade database maintained by the United Nations Statistics Division.; USDA Census of Agriculture; Subway, 2006.; Subway, 2006. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.
United Kingdom Lifestyle > Food and drink Profiles (Subcategories)
Alcohol 5 | Big Mac nutritional values 6 |