South Korea Government Stats
- Revenue > Tax > Income tax: Average income taxes (net of benefits), as a percentage of gross wage earnings, levied on a single person with no children, who earns the average wage.
Revenue > Tax > Sales tax, VAT or GST:
VAT / GST / Sales.
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
India had range specified: 14.5% - 5.5%
Uzbekistan had range specified: 0- 20%
- Revenue > Tax > Tax burden, % of GDP: Overall taxes, including all forms of direct and indirect taxation at all levels of government, as a percentage of GDP.
- Revenue > Tax > Taxes foreign income of nonresident citizens: Indicates whether or not a tax is levied on the foreign income of non-resident citizens. An asterisk indicates that certain exemptions exist.
- Revenue > Tax > Taxes foreign income of resident foreigners: Indicates whether or not a tax is levied on the foreign income of resident foreigners.
- Revenue > Tax > Taxes local income of nonresident individuals: Indicates whether or not a tax is levied on income generated in the country by individuals who are not residents (applies to both, citizens and foreigners).
- Revenue > Tax > Taxes local income of resident citizens: Indicates whether or not a tax is levied on income generated within the country by individuals who are both citizens and residents of this country.
- Revenue > Tax > Taxes local income of resident foreigners: Indicates whether or not a tax is levied on income generated within the country by resident foreigners
- Revenue > Tax revenue as percentage of GDP: Heritage Foundation (2012).
Sovereign wealth funds > Assets:
Assets (US$Billion).
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
Sovereign wealth funds > Origin:
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
SOURCES: http://www.oecd.org/ctp/tax-policy/NTCP-Table-S1-S2.xlsx, Table S.2, Average net personal compulsory payment rate, OECD, 2014.; Wikipedia: List of countries by tax rates (Countries); 2014 Index of Economic Freedom; Wikipedia: International taxation (Individuals); Wikipedia: List of countries by tax revenue as percentage of GDP (Index of Economic Freedom , Heritage Foundation . Note: Tax revenue as a percentage of GDP was obtained from the individual country pages, under the "Fiscal Freedom" section. These numbers change. Please update the numbers for individual countries in the list.); Wikipedia: List of countries by sovereign wealth funds (Sovereign Wealth Fund Rankings by Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute)
South Korea Economy > Government Profiles (Subcategories)
Revenue 9 |