Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Potatoes

  1. Latvia Potatoes Protein Supply Quantity Per Capita grew 2.7% in 2019, from a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 India Potatoes Demand rose 1.9% year on year attaining 50,722 Thousand Metric Tons.
  3. In 2019 United States was ranked number 1 in Potatoes Import Volume.
  4. In 2019 Slovakia was ranked number 35 in Potatoes Market Size Volume Per Capita totalising 55.27 Kilograms Per Capita, from 40 in 2018.

Production Data (38 results)

Potatoes Protein Supply Quantity Per Capita
166 countries compared Grams Per Capita Per Day Annual until 2019
Potatoes Calories Supply Per Capita
165 countries compared Kilocalories Per Capita Per Day Annual until 2019
Potatoes Production - Source FAO
157 countries compared Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Potatoes Harvested Area - Source FAO
157 countries compared Hectares Annual until 2019
Potatoes Yield - Source FAO
157 countries compared Hectograms Per Hectare Annual until 2019
Potatoes Net Production
154 countries compared Thousand US Dollars PPP = 2004–2006 Annual until 2019
Potatoes Fat Supply Quantity Per Capita
148 countries compared Grams Per Capita Per Day Annual until 2019
Potatoes Gross Production
128 countries compared Million US Dollars Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Yield
114 countries compared Hectograms Per Hectare Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Harvested Area
113 countries compared Hectares Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Production
113 countries compared Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Net Production
111 countries compared Thousand US Dollars PPP = 2004–2006 Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Calories Supply Per Capita
94 countries compared Kilocalories Per Capita Per Day Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Protein Supply Quantity Per Capita
92 countries compared Grams Per Capita Per Day Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Gross Production
85 countries compared Million US Dollars Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Fat Supply Quantity Per Capita
72 countries compared Grams Per Capita Per Day Annual until 2019
EU Potatoes Harvested Area
38 countries compared Thousand Hectares Annual until 2020
Potatoes Harvested Production
38 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2020
Potatoes Area
38 countries compared Thousand Hectares Annual until 2019
EU Potatoes Yield
36 countries compared Metric Tons Per Hectare Annual until 2020
EU Potatoes Production
31 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2020
Potatoes Production at Producer Price
31 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2020
Sold Production of Processed and Preserved Potatoes
26 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Prepared or Preserved Potatoes
24 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Organic Potatoes Production
24 countries compared Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Potatoes Processing Production Value
23 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Potatoes Area Fully Converted to Organic Farming
20 countries compared Percent of Total Utilised Agricultural Area Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Frozen Potatoes
19 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Prepared or Preserved Frozen Potatoes
13 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Potatoes Production - Source OECD
8 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Potatoes Production Level
8 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Dried Potatoes in the Form of Flour, Meal, Flakes, Granulates and Pellets
8 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Prepared or Preserved Potatoes in the Form of Flour, Meal or Flakes
7 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Potatoes Processing Production Index
5 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Fodder Potatoes Production
3 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Potatoes Area Under Conversion to Organic Farming
3 countries compared Percent of Total Utilised Agricultural Area Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Dried Potatoes Not Further Prepared
3 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Industrial Potatoes Production
2 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Show 34 additional results

Demand Data (9 results)

Potatoes Demand
165 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Demand
116 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Human Consumption Purpose Potatoes Real Price Index
27 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2019
Human Consumption Purpose Potatoes Price Index
27 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Potato Starch
7 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Consumption Purpose Potatoes Price
6 countries compared Euros Per Metric Ton Annual until 2018
Consumption Purpose Potatoes Producer Price
6 countries compared Euros Per Metric Ton Annual until 2018
Consumption Purpose Potatoes Production
6 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Potato-Diggers and Potato Harvesters
5 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Show 5 additional results

Import/Export Data (55 results)

Potatoes Import Volume
163 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Import of Frozen Prepared Potatoes
162 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Potato Starch - Source UN Stats
159 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Potato Flakes, Granules And Pellets
159 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Potato Flour or Meal
157 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Frozen Potatoes - Source UN Stats
157 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes
156 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes Seed
146 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sweet Potatoes
137 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes
135 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sweet Potatoes
115 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Frozen Potatoes - Source UN Stats
110 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Frozen Prepared Potatoes
109 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes Seed
104 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Potato Flour or Meal
99 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Potatoes Export Volume
97 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Export of Potato Flakes, Granules And Pellets
88 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Potato Starch - Source UN Stats
78 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Import Volume
56 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Export Volume
41 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Import of Dried Potatoes in the Form of Flour, Meal, Flakes, Granulates and Pellets
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Potato-Diggers and Potato Harvesters
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Dried Potatoes Not Further Prepared
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Prepared or Preserved Potatoes in the Form of Flour, Meal or Flakes
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Processed and Preserved Potatoes
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
EU Import of Frozen Potatoes
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
EU Import of Prepared or Preserved Potatoes
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Prepared or Preserved Frozen Potatoes
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Processed and Preserved Potatoes
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
EU Import of Potato Starch
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Prepared or Preserved Frozen Potatoes
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
EU Export of Prepared or Preserved Potatoes
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
EU Export of Frozen Potatoes
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Dried Potatoes in the Form of Flour, Meal, Flakes, Granulates and Pellets
26 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Prepared or Preserved Potatoes in the Form of Flour, Meal or Flakes
26 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Dried Potatoes Not Further Prepared
25 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Potato-Diggers and Potato Harvesters
25 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes
21 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
EU Export of Potato Starch
21 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Frozen Prepared Potatoes
19 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Frozen Potatoes
15 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sweet Potatoes
14 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes
11 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Potato Flour or Meal
10 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes Seed
9 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Frozen Prepared Potatoes
8 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Potato Starch
8 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Potato Flakes, Granules And Pellets
7 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Frozen Potatoes
6 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Potato Starch
6 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes Seed
4 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Potato Flour or Meal
4 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sweet Potatoes
4 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Potato Flakes, Granules And Pellets
3 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Potatoes Imported
3 countries compared Thousand US Dollars Annual until 2017
Show 51 additional results

Other Data (56 results)

Potatoes Market Size Volume Per Capita
168 countries compared Kilograms Per Capita Annual until 2019
Potatoes Market Size Volume
165 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Potatoes Stock Variation
147 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Potatoes Losses
135 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Potatoes Seed
124 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Market Size Volume Per Capita
123 countries compared Kilograms Per Capita Annual until 2019
Potatoes Producer Price Index
122 countries compared Indexes 2004–2006 = 100 Annual until 2017
Potatoes Producer Price - Source FAO
107 countries compared US Dollars Per Metric Ton Annual until 2018
Potatoes Feed
102 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Market Size Volume
100 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Stock Variation
76 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Producer Price Index
73 countries compared Indexes 2004–2006 = 100 Annual until 2017
Sweet Potatoes Losses
72 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Potatoes Non-food Uses
64 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Producer Price
54 countries compared US Dollars Per Metric Ton Annual until 2018
Sweet Potatoes Feed
47 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Fruits, Vegetables, Potatoes Price Index
38 countries compared Indexes EU-28 = 100 Annual until 2019
Fruits, Vegetables, Potatoes Nominal Expenditure Per Capita
37 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Fruits, Vegetables, Potatoes Nominal Expenditure
37 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Potatoes Processing
36 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Potatoes HICP
33 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Potatoes Price
29 countries compared Euros Per Metric Ton Annual until 2018
Potatoes Real Price Index
28 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2019
Potatoes Price Index
28 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Main Crop Potatoes Price Index
27 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2019
Main Crop Potatoes Real Price Index
27 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2019
EU Potatoes Producer Price
26 countries compared Euros Per Hundred Kilograms Annual until 2019
Potatoes Processing Number of Enterprises
26 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Potatoes Processing Turnover
24 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Potatoes Processing Number of Persons Employed
23 countries compared Units (Employees) Annual until 2019
Potatoes Processing Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE
22 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Potatoes Processing Turnover Per Employee
22 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Potatoes Processing Labour Cost Per Employee FTE
22 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Potatoes Processing Wages and Salaries
22 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Potatoes Processing Hours Worked
20 countries compared Hours Annual until 2019
Early Potatoes Producer Price
20 countries compared Euros Per Hundred Kilograms Annual until 2019
Early Potatoes Real Price Index
18 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2019
Potatoes Residuals
18 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Early Potatoes Price Index
18 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2019
Seed Potatoes Price Index
17 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2019
Seed Potatoes Real Price Index
17 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Seed
17 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Potatoes Subsidies
13 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2020
Payments to Sub-contractors in Potatoes Processing
10 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2017
Seed Potatoes Producer Price
10 countries compared Euros Per Hundred Kilograms Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Residuals
6 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2018
Sweet Potatoes Processing
5 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Sweet Potatoes Non-food Uses
4 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Potatoes Budgetary Transfers
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Industrial Potatoes Producer Price
2 countries compared Euros Per Metric Ton Annual until 2018
Fodder Potatoes Price
2 countries compared Euros Per Metric Ton Annual until 2018
Potatoes Taxes
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2020
Industrial Potatoes Price
2 countries compared Euros Per Metric Ton Annual until 2018
Potatoes Transfers to Producers from Taxpayers
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Potatoes Transfers to Producers from Consumers
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Fodder Potatoes Producer Price
2 countries compared Euros Per Metric Ton Annual until 2018
Show 52 additional results

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