Potatoes Import Volume
163 countries compared |
Thousand Metric Tons |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Frozen Prepared Potatoes
162 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Potato Starch - Source UN Stats
159 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Potato Flakes, Granules And Pellets
159 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Potato Flour or Meal
157 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Frozen Potatoes - Source UN Stats
157 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes
156 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes Seed
146 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Sweet Potatoes
137 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes
135 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Sweet Potatoes
115 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Frozen Potatoes - Source UN Stats
110 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Frozen Prepared Potatoes
109 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes Seed
104 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Potato Flour or Meal
99 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Potatoes Export Volume
97 countries compared |
Thousand Metric Tons |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Potato Flakes, Granules And Pellets
88 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Potato Starch - Source UN Stats
78 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Sweet Potatoes Import Volume
56 countries compared |
Thousand Metric Tons |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Sweet Potatoes Export Volume
41 countries compared |
Thousand Metric Tons |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Dried Potatoes in the Form of Flour, Meal, Flakes, Granulates and Pellets
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Potato-Diggers and Potato Harvesters
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Dried Potatoes Not Further Prepared
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Prepared or Preserved Potatoes in the Form of Flour, Meal or Flakes
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Processed and Preserved Potatoes
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
EU Import of Frozen Potatoes
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
EU Import of Prepared or Preserved Potatoes
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Prepared or Preserved Frozen Potatoes
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Processed and Preserved Potatoes
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
EU Import of Potato Starch
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Prepared or Preserved Frozen Potatoes
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
EU Export of Prepared or Preserved Potatoes
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
EU Export of Frozen Potatoes
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Dried Potatoes in the Form of Flour, Meal, Flakes, Granulates and Pellets
26 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Prepared or Preserved Potatoes in the Form of Flour, Meal or Flakes
26 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Dried Potatoes Not Further Prepared
25 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Potato-Diggers and Potato Harvesters
25 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes
21 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
EU Export of Potato Starch
21 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Frozen Prepared Potatoes
19 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Frozen Potatoes
15 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Sweet Potatoes
14 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes
11 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Potato Flour or Meal
10 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes Seed
9 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Frozen Prepared Potatoes
8 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Potato Starch
8 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Potato Flakes, Granules And Pellets
7 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Frozen Potatoes
6 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Potato Starch
6 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Fresh or Chilled Potatoes Seed
4 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Potato Flour or Meal
4 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Sweet Potatoes
4 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Potato Flakes, Granules And Pellets
3 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Potatoes Imported
3 countries compared |
Thousand US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Show 51 additional results