Import of Cereal Foods Obtained by Swelling, Roasting of Cereal
163 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Prepared Cereals
163 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Communion Wafers, Rice Paper, Bakers Wares
163 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Communion Wafers, Rice Paper, Bakers Wares
149 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Cereal Bran, Sharps, Residue Except Maize, Wheat, Ric
146 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Cereal Germ
139 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Prepared Cereals
138 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Cereal Foods Obtained by Swelling, Roasting of Cereal
136 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Full Grains and Full Grain Splits Of Bovine and Equine Animals
131 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Cereal Straw and Husks
129 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Cereal Bran, Sharps, Residue Except Maize, Wheat, Ric
116 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Full Grains and Full Grain Splits Of Bovine and Equine Animals
112 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Cereal Straw and Husks
89 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Cereal Germ
79 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Communion Wafers, Rice Paper, Bakers Wares
40 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Cereals Imports
36 countries compared |
Metric Tons Per Capita |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Cereals Exports
36 countries compared |
Metric Tons Per Capita |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Cereal Foods Obtained by Swelling, Roasting of Cereal
27 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Cereal Flours
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Tapioca and Substitutes Prepared from Starch in Flakes, Grains and the Like
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Grain Mill Products
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Grain Mill Products
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Rolled, Flaked, Hulled, Pearled, Sliced or Kibbled Cereal Grains
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Import of Tapioca and Substitutes Prepared from Starch in Flakes, Grains, Pearls, Siftings and the Like
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Cereal Flours
27 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Tapioca and Substitutes Prepared from Starch in Flakes, Grains and the Like
26 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Rolled, Flaked, Hulled, Pearled, Sliced or Kibbled Cereal Grains
26 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Prepared Cereals
26 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Export of Tapioca and Substitutes Prepared from Starch in Flakes, Grains, Pearls, Siftings and the Like
26 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Communion Wafers, Rice Paper, Bakers Wares
17 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Full Grains and Full Grain Splits Of Bovine and Equine Animals
15 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Full Grains and Full Grain Splits Of Bovine and Equine Animals
13 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Cereal Foods Obtained by Swelling, Roasting of Cereal
12 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Cereal Straw and Husks
10 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Prepared Cereals
9 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Cereal Bran, Sharps, Residue Except Maize, Wheat, Ric
7 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Export of Cereal Germ
7 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Cereal Straw and Husks
6 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Cereal Germ
4 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Re-Import of Cereal Bran, Sharps, Residue Except Maize, Wheat, Ric
2 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Show 36 additional results