South Africa - Offals Domestic supply quantity

Since 2014, South Africa Offals Domestic supply quantity increased 4% year on year. In 2017, the country was ranked number 13 among other countries in Offals Domestic supply quantity with 351 Thousand Metric Tons. South Africa is overtaken by Pakistan, which was number 12 with 396 Thousand Metric Tons and is followed by Philippines with 342 Thousand Metric Tons. China topped the ranking with 5,921 Thousand Metric Tons in 2017, a decrease of 1% compared to 2016. Brazil, United States and Mexico respectively ranked number 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. Chad witnessed the best average annual growth at +61.3% per year, while Suriname was the worst growing country at -100% per year.


Date Thousand Metric Tons
2017 351.00
2016 353.00
2015 329.00
2014 312.00
Download all data from 2014 to 2017

How does South Africa rank in Offals Domestic supply quantity?

# 159 Countries Thousand Metric Tons Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
5,921.00 2017 -1.0 % +2.2 % View data
2 #2
1,292.00 2017 +2.7 % +0.2 % View data
12 #12
396.00 2017 +3.4 % +2.8 % View data
13 #13
South Africa
351.00 2017 -0.6 % +4.0 % View data
14 #14
342.00 2017 +14.0 % +7.5 % View data
Compare all 159 countries

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