Portugal - Total White Grouper Production in Capture Fisheries for Human Consumption
Since 2014, Portugal Total White Grouper Production in Capture Fisheries for Human Consumption grew 35.4% year on year. With €3,382.05 in 2019, the country was ranked number 4 among other countries in Total White Grouper Production in Capture Fisheries for Human Consumption. Greece lead the ranking with €1,473,311.42 in 2019, that is +13.3% compared to 2018. Portugal recorded the best 5 years average growth at +35.4% per year, while Spain recorded the worst performance at -48.8% per year.
Date | Euros |
2019 | 3,382.05 |
2018 | 2,511.40 |
2017 | 1,351.26 |
2016 | 829.98 |
2015 | 2,888.28 |
Download all data from 2001 to 2019
How does Portugal rank in Total White Grouper Production in Capture Fisheries for Human Consumption?
# | 4 Countries | Euros | Last | YoY | 5‑years CAGR | |
1 |
1,473,311.42 | 2019 | +13.3 % | +5.2 % | View data |
2 |
42,125.46 | 2019 | NA | -48.8 % | View data |
3 |
11,499.23 | 2019 | -42.8 % | +34.8 % | View data |
4 |
3,382.05 | 2019 | +34.7 % | +35.4 % | View data |