Mexico - Import of Glasses for Corrective Spectacles

Since 2013, Mexico Import of Glasses for Corrective Spectacles decreased by 38.3% year on year. At $1,686 in 2018, the country was number 101 among other countries in Import of Glasses for Corrective Spectacles. Italy ranked the highest with $17,223,818.9 in 2019, -0.3% versus 2018. India, Dominican Republic and Hungary respectively ranked number 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. Republic of the Congo witnessed the best average annual growth at +222.9% per year, while Turkey recorded the worst performance at -73.2% per year.


Date US Dollars
2018 1,686.00
2017 1,043.00
2016 1,453.00
2015 220,847.00
2014 144,163.00
Download all data from 1990 to 2018

How does Mexico rank in Import of Glasses for Corrective Spectacles?

# 147 Countries US Dollars Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
17,223,818.90 2019 -0.3 % +1.0 % View data
2 #2
9,814,700.44 2019 +14.6 % -12.0 % View data
101 #101
1,686.00 2019 -0.1 % +102.1 % View data
101 #101
1,686.00 2018 +61.6 % -38.3 % View data
103 #103
New Zealand
1,678.34 2019 +2.0 % +84.8 % View data
Compare all 147 countries

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