Malta - Fresh Spottail Mantis Squillid Production in Capture Fisheries for Human Consumption
Since 2015, Malta Fresh Spottail Mantis Squillid Production in Capture Fisheries for Human Consumption increased 3% year on year. At €75 in 2018, the country was number 5 comparing other countries in Fresh Spottail Mantis Squillid Production in Capture Fisheries for Human Consumption. Italy ranked the highest with €31,126,550.42 in 2019, a fall of 5.6% compared to 2018. Croatia recorded the best 5 years average growth at +19.4% per year, while Italy recorded the worst performance at +2.7% per year.
Date | Euros |
2018 | 75.00 |
2017 | 3.00 |
2016 | |
2015 | 68.55 |
Download all data from 2015 to 2018
How does Malta rank in Fresh Spottail Mantis Squillid Production in Capture Fisheries for Human Consumption?
# | 5 Countries | Euros | Last | YoY | 5‑years CAGR | |
1 |
31,126,550.42 | 2019 | -5.6 % | +2.7 % | View data |
2 |
5,043,486.68 | 2019 | NA | +11.2 % | View data |
3 |
15,519.26 | 2019 | -29.2 % | +19.4 % | View data |
4 |
10,709.64 | 2019 | +39.1 % | +17.0 % | View data |
5 |
75.00 | 2018 | +2,400.0 % | +3.0 % | View data |