Lebanon - Nectarines and Peaches Net Production

Since 2014, Lebanon Nectarines and Peaches Net Production fell by 0.4% year on year. In 2019, the country was ranked number 41 among other countries in Nectarines and Peaches Net Production with $16,998.68 Thousand PPP = 2004–2006. Lebanon is overtaken by Bulgaria, which was number 40 with $17,546.8 Thousand PPP = 2004–2006 and is followed by Tajikistan at $16,914.81 Thousand PPP = 2004–2006. China lead the ranking with $8,608,826.48 Thousand PPP = 2004–2006 in 2019, +3.2% compared to 2018. Spain, Italy and Iran respectively ranked number 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. Moldova witnessed the best average annual growth at +16.5% per year, while Austria was the worst growing country at -34.6% per year.


Date Thousand US Dollars PPP = 2004–2006
2019 16,998.68
2018 17,099.65
2017 17,202.68
2016 17,369.64
2015 17,339.54
Download all data from 1961 to 2019

How does Lebanon rank in Nectarines and Peaches Net Production?

# 81 Countries Thousand US Dollars PPP = 2004–2006 Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
8,608,826.48 2019 +3.2 % +4.2 % View data
2 #2
894,049.52 2019 +1.8 % +0.9 % View data
40 #40
17,546.80 2019 +0.5 % +1.1 % View data
41 #41
16,998.68 2019 -0.6 % -0.4 % View data
42 #42
16,914.81 2019 +2.1 % -0.1 % View data
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