France - Sold Production of Lead-Acid Accumulators for Starting Piston Engines

Since 2014, France Sold Production of Lead-Acid Accumulators for Starting Piston Engines grew 11.1% year on year. With €198,712,274.11 in 2019, the country was number 5 among other countries in Sold Production of Lead-Acid Accumulators for Starting Piston Engines. France is overtaken by Italy, which was ranked number 4 at €285,516,322.39 and is followed by Bulgaria with €115,284,668.57. Germany topped the ranking with €1,021,513,781.98 in 2019, that is a growth of 6.5% versus 2018. Hungary witnessed the best average annual growth at +15.5% per year, while Italy witnessed the worst performance at -4.4% per year.


Date Euros
2019 198,712,274.11
2018 199,365,134.00
2017 200,132,702.00
2016 158,295,458.00
2015 144,697,829.00
Download all data from 1995 to 2019

How does France rank in Sold Production of Lead-Acid Accumulators for Starting Piston Engines?

# 9 Countries Euros Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
1,021,513,781.98 2019 +6.5 % +7.1 % View data
2 #2
999,883,566.00 2018 +15.6 % NA View data
4 #4
285,516,322.39 2019 +43.1 % -4.4 % View data
5 #5
198,712,274.11 2019 -0.3 % +11.1 % View data
6 #6
115,284,668.57 2019 +7.6 % +1.4 % View data
Compare all 9 countries

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