Bolivia - Import of Woven Fabric of Combed Wool or Fine Animal Hair, Mixed Mainly or Solely with Man-Made Staple Fibres

Since 2014, Bolivia Import of Woven Fabric of Combed Wool or Fine Animal Hair, Mixed Mainly or Solely with Man-Made Staple Fibres increased 9.5% year on year. At $735,425.5 in 2019, the country was number 40 among other countries in Import of Woven Fabric of Combed Wool or Fine Animal Hair, Mixed Mainly or Solely with Man-Made Staple Fibres. Bolivia is overtaken by Australia, which was ranked number 39 at $735,749.68 and is followed by Lebanon at $674,651.57. China topped the ranking with $26,257,586.09 in 2019, a decrease of 6.9% compared to 2018. Japan, Germany and Viet Nam respectively ranked number 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. Nepal witnessed the best average annual growth at +276% per year, while Ireland witnessed the worst performance at -63.1% per year.


Date US Dollars
2019 735,425.50
2018 717,051.75
2017 701,109.63
2016 382,135.00
2015 381,660.91
Download all data from 1992 to 2019

How does Bolivia rank in Import of Woven Fabric of Combed Wool or Fine Animal Hair, Mixed Mainly or Solely with Man-Made Staple Fibres?

# 123 Countries US Dollars Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
26,257,586.09 2019 -6.8 % -12.9 % View data
2 #2
24,234,686.00 2019 -9.8 % -8.1 % View data
39 #39
735,749.68 2019 +16.9 % +4.9 % View data
40 #40
735,425.50 2019 +2.6 % +9.5 % View data
41 #41
674,651.57 2019 +2.5 % +12.1 % View data
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