Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Grapefruit

  1. In 2019, Grapefruit Protein Supply Quantity Per Capita in Dominica jumped by 0.9% from a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 Vietnam Grapefruit Demand jumped by 6.9% year on year at 656 Thousand Metric Tons.
  3. In 2019 Netherlands was ranked number 1 in Import of Grapefruit.
  4. In 2019 Taiwan was ranked number 85 in Grapefruit Market Size Volume Per Capita at 0.38 Kilograms Per Capita, moving from 114 in 2018.

Production Data (10 results)

Grapefruit Protein Supply Quantity Per Capita
83 countries compared Grams Per Capita Per Day Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Net Production
77 countries compared Thousand US Dollars PPP = 2004–2006 Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Production
77 countries compared Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Yield
76 countries compared Hectograms Per Hectare Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Harvested Area
75 countries compared Hectares Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Calories Supply Per Capita
63 countries compared Kilocalories Per Capita Per Day Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Gross Production
57 countries compared Million US Dollars Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Fat Supply Quantity Per Capita
29 countries compared Grams Per Capita Per Day Annual until 2019
Pomelos and Grapefruit Harvested Production
9 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2021
Pomelos and Grapefruit Harvested Area
8 countries compared Thousand Hectares Annual until 2019
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Demand Data (1 results)

Grapefruit Demand
117 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019

Import/Export Data (6 results)

Import of Grapefruit
147 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Grapefruit
103 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Import Volume
87 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Export Volume
59 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Grapefruit
13 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Grapefruit
5 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
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Other Data (8 results)

Grapefruit Market Size Volume Per Capita
147 countries compared Kilograms Per Capita Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Market Size Volume
111 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Producer Price Index
60 countries compared Indexes 2004–2006 = 100 Annual until 2017
Grapefruit Losses
50 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Stock Variation
43 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Grapefruit Producer Price
31 countries compared US Dollars Per Metric Ton Annual until 2018
Grapefruit Residuals
21 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2018
Grapefruit Processing
6 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
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