Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Cultural Attraction

  1. Austria jumped by 4.6% of Cultural Attraction Enterprises in 2019, from a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 Germany Cultural Products Imports jumped by 6.7% year on year to €7,857,669 Thousand.
  3. In 2019 United Kingdom was ranked number 1 in Cultural Products Exports.
  4. In 2015 Egypt was number 14 in Cultural Attraction Employment reaching 18,251 Employees, from 17 in 2014.

Other Data (5 results)

Cultural Services HICP
34 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Recreational and Cultural Services HICP
34 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Share of Households with Spendings on Cultural Services
29 countries compared Percent of Households Annual until 2015
Share of Households with Spendings on Recreational and Cultural Services
29 countries compared Percent of Households Annual until 2015
Cultural Attraction Employment
29 countries compared Units (Employees) Annual until 2019
Show 1 additional results

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