Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Biochemical

  1. Mexico was up 2.6% of Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Inflow of Urban Wastewater After Plant Treatment in 2019, compared to the previous year.
  2. Since 2014 Netherlands Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Urban Wastewater Discharged After Treatment increased 2.7% year on year at 19.05 Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day.
  3. In 2019 Mexico was number 1 in Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Total Generated Urban Wastewater.

Demand Data (13 results)

Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Inflow of Urban Wastewater After Plant Treatment
10 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Urban Wastewater Discharged After Treatment
9 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Total Generated Urban Wastewater
8 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Urban Wastewater Discharged
6 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Industrial Wastewater Discharged
6 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Urban Wastewater Discharged Without Treatment
5 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Inflow of Industrial Wastewater Treated in Other Waste Treatment Plant
5 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Total Discharges to Inland Waters
5 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Industrial Wastewater Discharged Without Treatment
4 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Industrial Wastewater Discharged After Treatment
4 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Agricultural Wastewater Direct Discharges
4 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Total Discharges to the Sea
3 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Urban Wastewater Discharged After Independent Treatment
2 countries compared Thousand Kilograms of O2 Per Day Annual until 2019
Show 9 additional results

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